Thursday, August 9, 2012


One of the defining things about a hunter is their companion beast that is always seen at their side; the hunter’s pet. There is a varying idea among the hunter community of the connection of hunters and their pets. Everyone has a different degree of the bond the creature shares with its hunter, and how it defines out. The beasts can be viewed as something as simple as extra protection and strength as well as a specific buff, or more intimate such as a creature with a bond to the hunter who is there as a guardian and friend. To me, there is always some sort of bond between the two, no matter how little it is openly expressed, or the beast would simply up and leave. Some hunters may remember when this was the actual in-game case. I view them as intelligent creatures with the mental capacity to understand things on a deeper level then basic commands, and as well are spiritually connected to their hunter, which overtime grows more powerful as the two come to respect each other.

Each bond between hunter and pet is formed differently. I don’t imagine we have an instant bond once the beast is tamed as the game mechanics lead us to believe. I do like to think in a few cases a minor bonding between the two can form instantly depending on the situation. However, at that time it’s more respect than it is an intertwining spiritual connection. The hunter challenge tames that were implemented make me feel as if I have earned some respect of the beast rather than just claiming it as mine. Though the more the pet is with the hunter the strong the connection can become. They learn to understand one another.

Mentally, the two can understand each other through the flow of emotions the other one is expressing, and what the mind is currently focused on. I don’t envision telephaty being involved when the two communicate; no spoken words or conversations are held between the hunter and beast. They are two individual beings that empathize with each other, and the stronger their bond is, the more sensitive they are to one another. Like any house pet that will cuddle up next to you when you are sad, become excited when you are happy, or become protective when you feel fear, the hunter’s pet expresses the same empathy, just more intensely. It is a process of learning each other’s behaviors over time, and slowly developing the ability to think alike, and understand one another.

Spiritually, the hunter and beast become knotted together. For the dedicated hunter and beast partners, the knot becomes tighter and more complex the longer the two remain together. They share the same flow of energy, and mold with one another. For those who are tightly knitted together, they can sense strong emotions over a greater distance as their spirits intertwine. The two connect like puzzle pieces, while remaining an individual in their own. This spiritual bond makes it easier for the hunter to call their pet from a distance when needed. It also allows the hunter to take on healing abilities through the mind, body and spirit, but only toward their pets. They share each other’s strengths, and grow off them.

Overall, I find a hunter’s pet helps to define the hunter in a whole. They are more than just moving pixels, and more than just a tool. They are a hunter’s partner, guardian and companion. Though I don’t role-play my characters, I do feel they have a character, and Astratia’s pets help to make up her own as a part of her.

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